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Managing the Complexities of Medicare Advantage Letter Programs
Medicare Advantage Health Plans send several letter programs to their members to ensure they effectively communicate all plan needs. while staying in compliance with CMS regulations.
SEC Releases Web Posting Requirement Guidelines
On January 17, 2025, the SEC’s Division of Investment Management released an Accounting and Disclosure Information (ADI) providing web posting requirement guidelines and observations.
During review, the staff recently observed issues relating to the requirements under Commission rules and certain exemptive orders, related to the use of Summary Prospectuses, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and Money Market Funds (MMFs). The SEC stated the role web hosting and the internet plays in making investor information accessible. The objective of the ADI is to remind investors of the website disclosure obligations that are required when operating under the rules and identify issues observed.
SEC Releases 2025 Names Rule FAQs
On December 11, 2023, the SEC amended the Investment Company Names Rule to address certain broad categories of investment company names that are likely to mislead investors about the company’s investments and risks. The amendments to the rule are designed to increase investor protection by improving and broadening the scope of the requirement for certain funds to adopt a policy to invest at least 80 percent of the value of their assets consistent with the investment focus that the fund’s name suggests.