SEC Section 16

What is SEC Section 16 (Forms 3, 4, 5)?

SEC Section 16 of The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires corporate insiders to publicly disclose their company affiliations, material changes in their holdings or unreported insider transactions through various regulatory filings with the SEC. Specifically, Section 16 mandates that Forms 3, 4 and 5 be filed by insiders—in other words, company investors who are directly or indirectly beneficial owners of more than 10% of stock in a company or directors and officers of the issuer of the securities. An insider of a first-time securities issuer or a new insider at an already-registered securities issuer must carry out the initial filing, Form 3. Form 4 is used to report material changes in insiders’ holdings. Form 5 reports any transactions that should have been included on a previous Form 4 or were eligible for deferred reporting such as gifts of shares or multiple small transactions. Section 16 reporting must be submitted electronically through the EDGAR computer system for the receipt, acceptance, review and dissemination of documents submitted in electronic format to the Commission. The SEC also requires companies to post the forms on their websites by the end of the next business day after filing them. Section 16 reporting deadlines were accelerated due to provisions of the SOX, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. For support and additional information, explore our solutions here.